Simple Publisher is a simple publishing tool designed to help you organize and update the content of your website. Simple Publisher is the back-office counterpart to all custom-designed online prototypes by user studio.

I want to add a new entry to my website.

Make sure you're in the right tab. That done, push the add an entry button "Add entry" button. A dialog box pops up. Fill all blank fields (especially the ones with a * next to their caption) and press "OK" to submit. That's it.

I want to delete an entry.

Press the cross shape button delete an entry button at the far left of the entry line. A dialog box lets you browse one last time the information regarding this entry. Then, press "OK" to delete, or "Cancel" to go back to your control panel.

I want to make an entry invisible (without deleting it).

You shall notice that there is an eye shaped button unpublish an entry button at the beginning of each entry line. It enables you in publishing (or not) each entry. Just press it : the eye will close publish an entry button and the line turns to grey (in Firefox and Opera browsers only). In order to publish it back on, press the same button.

I want to modify the information of an existing entry.

While rolling over each cell of the table, the cell turns to grey and an "update" modify symbol symbol appears in its center. Click on the cell : a dialog box pops up. Modify the field entry, and press the "OK" button to submit.

I want to modify the display order of my entry's images.

Roll over the choosen cell in the table. Click on the cell to get the "modify" dialog box. The arrows on the right side of each picture enables you in moving it up and down in the list. Then, press "OK" to go back to the control panel (please note that only the top pic appears in the table).

I want to add a new image.

Roll over the choosen cell in the table. Click on the cell to get the dialog box. At the bottom, you can read "Add an image (.jpg)". Click on the browsing button next to the blank field. Choose a jpg image. The path of the file appears in the field. Then press the "OK" button to confirm your choice.

I want to delete an image.

Roll over the choosen cell in the table. Click on the cell to get the window popping up. A delete an image button button stands close to each image. Press it, and the image is gone. Then press "OK" to go back to the main table.

I want to learn how to use the BBcode.

(Please note that the BBcode can only be used in dedicated fields in the dialog boxes.)

I can't see all my entries and that bothers me a lot.

If you have more than 50 entries in a table, paging buttons appear to the white, right part of your tab. They enable you in browsing your entries in a clear and organized way. Press this button to have a look at your 50 following entries. Otherwise, you can click on up/down arrows in each column header cell to sort the entries thanks to these categories. (e.g. sorting by date of last modification, starting with the oldest or the most recent entries).

I want to make sure nobody else will modify the content of my website.

Let's say you've logged in to access your private area. And now you're done with updating content. The best way to protect your data is to log out. Press the "log out" button at the top right of the browser window, standing by the "help" and "about" links. Then don't forget to close the browser (Quit, on the Macintosh). Make sure to complete these steps when you use Simple Publisher on other computers than yours.

What are the main functions of Simple Publisher, in a nut shell ?

Simple Publisher is a simple publishing tool designed to help you organize and update the content of your website. It lets you :
Add new entries to different parts of your website
Delete entries
Publish or unpublish entries
Modify the information of existing entries

What is Simple Publisher not made for ?

Simple Publisher is a simple management tool designed to handle content of web sites. It is not (really not) intended to create web sites from scratch. We do that ourselves. If this is what you are looking for, please send us an email and we'll try to help you out ;).

I want to buy Simple Publisher.

You can't simply buy Simple Publisher per se. It is meant solely for managing the content of websites that we design. If you'd be interested in that, please let us know : email.

I want to tell you that I'd rather have red than blue...

We aim our products to fit your wishes in the best way possible. So, feel free to share your suggestions via email.